Haida Gwaii topographic map
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Area F (Scotch Creek/Seymour Arm)
Canada > British Columbia > Columbia-Shuswap Regional District
Average elevation: 1,265 m
Lone Butte
Canada > British Columbia > Cariboo Regional District > Area L (Lone Butte/Interlakes)
The northward advance of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway (PGE) rail head passed through Lone Butte in late April 1919. This construction camp had a large kitchen employing 25 cooks, of whom two received the Distinguished Conduct Medal and three the Military Medal during World War I. At an elevation of about…
Average elevation: 1,159 m
Waddington Glacier
Canada > British Columbia > Area B (Discovery Islands/Mainland Inlets)
Average elevation: 1,901 m